A black man and a white man sitting on a couch chatting using American Sign Language

Meet a few of our over 350 interpreters!

Janet Dickinson

Credentials, Bio, Video


Vermont – CI, CT, PhD

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Deep grey background with Janet Dickinson seated in front of the camera signing her message. Janet is a white woman with salt & pepper chin-length hair. She is wearing glasses, petite dangling earrings, and a black short-sleeved, drop neckline shirt, with a silver necklace at the center.

TRANSCRIPT: Hello! I’m Janet Dickinson from southern Vermont, the town of Guilford which is near the Massachusetts border. I moved to Vermont more than 22 years ago. Wow, I’ve been living here for a long time! I interpret in many different settings including education, substance abuse, and a variety of other community settings. I previously worked at the Austine School for the Deaf and have also worked in public schools. One fun fact about me is that I know a lot about cheese. I actually work very part time hours at a grocery store cheese department.

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